Every university has four kinds of teachers. The first set of teachers give marks in exams based on the name or face of the student, irrespective of what they write in exams. Even the best universities have such teachers to some extent at least. If you are in their good books, you will become the topper, otherwise good luck with your career! The second set of teachers give marks based on how precisely the students remember what was written in the notes given by the teacher. These teachers basically don't encourage thinking and mainly promote rote memorisation. The third set of teachers discourage memorisation and give marks for original thinking and creative problem solving. The concepts of God that different human beings have can also divided into similar categories. Some people think that God will be pleased with them just because of their name or family background or community to which they belong. Some others believe that God will be pleased with them just because they do as S/He says. Then there are also others who believe that God will be pleased with them because they apply their own rational thought and perform good actions for the welfare of all, and will grant them an eternal abode in the heavens above. Although these three categories are different, they are all about performing some actions to get some material benefits and pleasures in different ways. But who among them is actually right about the concept of God?