Scientific developments of the last century have led to unprecedented advancements in healthcare facilities and medical treatment which have significantly improved the average human life span. However, this improved understanding of the human system and associated chemical compounds has also inadvertently led to huge health related problems mainly in three ways. Firstly, as Michael Moss describes in his book titled "Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us", many companies and establishments in the food industry cleverly design foods that will get people hopelessly addicted and make them indulge in over-consumption finally leading to huge deterioration in health and prevalence of deadly diseases. Secondly, there has been an increased use of pesticides and artificial ripening agents which get inside healthy looking foods and cause irreparable damage in the long run. Thirdly, most of educated people nowadays work in sedentary jobs with minimal physical activity and their work is usually so demanding and/or the personal ambitions are so high that they hardly get any time for exercise. One approach to solving these problems could be resort to science itself. But as Albert Einstein once said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them".