Friday, January 26, 2018

What was Sri Ramakrishna’s message?

One distinguishing feature of almost all Indian spiritual Gurus is that they were all great poets. A poet is not necessarily someone who has a great command over a particular human language or someone who uses very flowery language in his/her writings and sayings. A poet is one whose words carry very deep spiritual meanings which keep evolving over many centuries and millennia to come. This is very important for conveying spiritual truths since, unlike mathematics, their meanings are very subjective and heavily dependent on time, space and situation. There is an element of objectivity present since the words spoken are still valid, but the meanings are subjective. It is like the eternal relation between Purusha and Prakriti. One aspect of reality is changeless and another keeps changing at every moment! Spiritual groups and organizations, which stick to the literal meanings of the words spoken by their Gurus, are often found to deteriorate quite quickly. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has rightly said, “There is only one way to put mystical experiences into words, and that is poetry.