1. It is often said in Indian mysticism that the universe is created out of sound. Physicists believe that the universe is created out of vibrations. Accordingly to mystics, what is the difference between sound and vibration? In physics, propagation of sound requires a material medium to exist whereas vibration is a lot more subtle.
2. Several mystics have claimed that Indians knew about the value of speed of light long before its discovery by modern scientists. Though this could be true, modern physics goes much further and says that nothing in this universe can travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum. In fact, all theories of modern physics are based on this key assumption. What does mysticism have to say about this? In the physical dimensions, can something travel faster than light?
3. String theory predicts that our space has many more dimensions than the 3 that we normally perceive. How are non-physical dimensions, that mysticism often refers to, different from these additional physical ones? Are non-physical dimensions also governed by objective laws?
4. The process of consecration is said to be about a certain kind of energisation of mundane objects. But the physical energy of the mundane object does not seem to increase in the process as it neither starts traveling faster nor does it get hotter. This means that, according to mysticism, non-physical energy can be bound to physical dimensions without any net transfer of energy. But is it also possible for energy to be transferred from non-physical to physical dimensions? If yes, this would violate the physical principle of conservation of energy.
5. Is there any physical basis for the origin of the primordial sound AUM (or, OM) or does it originate in the non-physical dimensions? Does the sound AUM have any physical properties that make it so special and unique? In other words, if we record the sound AUM uttered by a perfect being, will we get an audio signal with some unique statistical properties?