Thursday, November 13, 2008

Objective Subjectivity

The debate between an objective view and subjective view has been going on in my mind since a long time. I have never been able to decide which is better and ought to be followed. In Indian Philosophical thought, though we have the idea of one Absolute entity, but there are so many different paths one could follow. There are so many schools of thought viz. Advaita, Vishistadvaita, Dvaita, and may be more. Which one of them is the best? Some say that its a matter of preference. And some try to prove the supremacy of their own convictions. So, is it completely left to the individual to decide? If thats the case, then he/she may choose any of these or may come up with a belief system of his own and this may contradict the existing systems. It would also not be correct to say that an individual is free to choose as long as he chooses something from the existing ideas and does not start his own new theory. When there is no clear 'best' philosophy, then how can we prevent others from coming up with new ideas? It is quite possible that there is a 'best' philosophy waiting to be discovered. But allowing complete freedom to an individual could also be dangerous, because a person who is not bound to anything may get easily misguided by others or his own mind. So, there is a need for an objective idea also.